Create a new server
Creating a new server is easy with MCDash. Simply follow the steps below to get started.
Step 1: Click the "Create Server" button
You will be taken to this dialog where you can fill in the server details.
Step 2: Fill in the server details
You can choose a name and description for your server.
Step 3: Choose a server type and version
You can choose between Spigot, Paper, and Purpur. If you are unsure which one to choose, you can leave it at the default value. The wrapper will automatically manage the server files and Java versions for you.
Step 4: Click "Create"
Once you have filled in the details, click the "Create" button to create your server. This process might take a while to finish, depending on your server's performance.
You have now successfully created a new server. You can manage it from the dashboard.